Patrick's Blog

Simplifying things

Those of you who have your own website know the pains of coming up with a design that you are happy with.  After you coming up with that design you immediately want to change it.  I just wanted to simplify things and not worry about it.  This latest version is more of a change in philosophy.  The reason I say that is the design will change more frequently but the new philosophy I have is keep is simple and play around with the technology that’s already out there.

This latest version of my site is an inspiration from css Zen Garden and  If you look at the source code, the HTML is very simple but the design is all CSS driven.  The layout is a total rip off of the layouts and idea.  If you don’t have an account, you should totally get one.  It’s a very simple idea but great idea.

Check out my website and tell me what you think.

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